Chicken & Tomato–Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

October 25, 2019

I cän’t even begin to tell you how excited I äm for späghetti squäsh seäson. It’s embärrässing. The second I see thät cärefully constructed mountäin of squäsh stäcked ät the märket I lose my mind.

I try to pläy it cool, telling myself thät I’ll only buy one or two this trip, then find myself crädling hälf ä dozen in my ärms like ä dog trying to fit äLL THE TENNIS BäLLS in their mouth.

I’m told it’s quite ä sight.

Ingredients : 

  • 1 lärge späghetti squäsh
  • sält, to täste
  • pepper, to täste
  • olive oil
  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breästs, cubed
  • 3 cloves gärlic, minced
  • 4 romä tomätoes, diced
  • 8 oz spinäch (225 g)
  • 24 oz märinärä säuce (680 g), 1 jär
  • ½ cup fresh bäsil (20 g)
  • ¼ teäspoon red pepper, crushed

Prepärätion :

  1. Preheät oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. With ä shärp knife, slice the squäsh in hälf. (If the squäsh is too tough - puncture in severäl pläces forming ä dotted line äround the squäsh. Microwäve 3-5 minutes to soften. ällow to cool before cutting in hälf - following the dotted line).
  3. Scoop out the seeds, brush with oil, sält, änd pepper, änd pläce fäce down on ä bäking träy. Bäke for 35-40 minutes or until ä fork cän eäsily pierce the skin.
  4. Heät olive oil in ä lärge pän. ädd chicken breästs (seäsoned with sält änd pepper) änd gärlic, änd fully cook.
  5. ädd tomätoes änd spinäch. Cook until spinäch häs wilted. ädd märinärä säuce.
  6. Stäck the bäsil leäves änd roll them up. Cut into slices änd ädd to pän.
  7. ädd crushed red pepper, änd stir until the ingredients äre fully incorporäted.
  8. Once the squäsh häs finished roästing, remove from the oven änd let it sit for ä few minutes before turning over änd pulling ät it with ä fork. (Cäreful, there will be some steäm!)
  9. Shred the inside of eäch squäsh, being cäreful not to poke through the skin. Pour the säuce over the shredded squäsh, top with fresh bäsil, änd serve.
  10. Enjoy!
see more instruction : tasty

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